Differences From ClipMate 5
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There are some important differences from ClipMate 5. ClipMate 5 users should be sure to read this page completely.

Data Storage
ClipMate 5 used a "flat file" data storage scheme, where ClipMate 6 uses a relational database. So when you first install version 6, it won't have your ClipMate 5 data. You will need to use File | Import to import your data. (This will leave your version 5 data untouched.)

PowerPaste Button
PowerPaste - instead of two buttons, there is now one multi-purpose button on the toolbar. Click once and you'll activate it, and an arrow will show you whether it's in UP or DOWN mode. Click again to invert.

Collections and Functions Have Been Renamed
This is for clarity, and to reflect the new data management capabilities.
Traditional View  
ClipMate Classic

Classic vs. Explorer Interaction
In version 5, ClipMate Classic (Traditional) and Explorer were the same window, in different configurations. This caused lots of problems, and made QuickPaste somewhat unreliable. So now there are two different windows. There is a button on the toolbar of each that will take you to the other one. Additionally you can bring up either one from the System Tray menu. Typically, you'll be using one or the other, so when you open one, the other hides. There may be an initial pause when loading Explorer, if it hasn't been used yet during the current session.

Closing doesn't really close
If you click the 'X' on any of the windows, that used to shut ClipMate down. Not any longer. It will only close that window (and free it from memory, release resources, etc.) But ClipMate can still be running in the background, gathering clips for you. Check the System Tray to see if it is running or not. To actually shut it down, use the File or System Tray menus. Ex: SysTray | Exit ClipMate.

OnTop - only affects Classic.
"Always on top" only affects Classic, and not ClipMate Explorer.

Overflow Collection
There is now an "overflow" collection, which is where clips go when
they fall off of the InBox. Typically, InBox will hold your 200
most recent clips. When they "age off" of InBox, they will go to
Overflow. When they "age off" of Overflow, they're in the Trashcan.
The Trashcan will typically have a two week retention. So it will
be really quite hard to accidentally lose important data.
Before, when clips "aged off" of Short-Term, they were gone.
Read all about the new data management capability.

The sounds all "sound" the same, but they no longer rely on the registry being properly configured in order to work. ClipMate 5 was vulnerable to changes made to the "sound schemes" - ClipMate's sounds could be easily wiped out in the registry. ClipMate 6 stores the sounds right in the program, so that they can't be corrupted. They can be changed by adding your own sound files to the program directory.

Multi-User Databases
In ClipMate 5, you couldn't have multiple users writing to the same database. Now you can.
See: Multi-User Databases

In ClipMate 5, you could use the same ClipMate license on more than one computer, as long as you were the primary user of each. This is modified somewhat in version 6. For version 6, you can use the same license on one computer plus one other that you are the primary user of. Such as a desktop and a laptop - but only if YOU are the primary user of each. If you have been letting your spouse, roommate or secretary "piggy-back" on your license, it's time for them to get their own.