1. | Install ClipMate 6 into its own directory.
2. | When you run ClipMate 6, it will prompt you for the location of the data directory. It should be a different location than your ClipMate 5 data. Do NOT force it to use the same directory as your ClipMate 5 data.
3. | Once ClipMate 6 is up and running, you can use the File | Import operation to read your ClipMate 5 data into the new ClipMate 6 database.
4. | After you are comfortable with ClipMate 6, and have verified that all of your data is intact, you can then uninstall version 5 and remove its data directory. You may want to make an archive of the old data on CD-ROM, ZIP disk, etc..
Note: Your ClipMate 5 registration key will not work - you must purchase an upgrade key from Thornsoft Development, or an authorized reseller.