Entering Your Registration Key - Step By Step
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ClipMate's registration key is really too long to type accurately, so we've made a "smart pasting" function where you can copy and paste from your order confirmation e-mail (sent to all registered users). We can re-send this e-mail upon request - just send a note to sales@thornsoft.com with "ClipMate Key" in the subject, and your name/address in the body.

The e-mail contains a "key block", similar to this:

This key block will save lots of typing, and eliminate typing mistakes.

Step by Step:

·Run ClipMate.  
·Access your order confirmation e-mail, as shown above.  
·Just highlight the key block as shown above, and Copy to the clipboard (right-click, Copy).  
·In ClipMate, you'll see the menu along the top of either ClipMate Classic or Explorer. File, Edit, Config, View, and Help. Select Help, and from there, select "Enter Registration Key".  
·Click the "paste key from clibpboard, and the name and key should be extracted from the key block, and inserted into the dialog, as shown below.  
·Next, click Validate, and you should receive a message saying "congratulations, your key has been entered.  

Note: This is not a valid key, and is only shown for sample purposes.
Note: No communication takes place with our servers - the program validates the key all on its own.
Note: There may be multiple keys present (6.0, 6.2, etc.) ClipMate will pick the one that is most appropriate. We don't always change our key schemes, so for example, there was no special key for v6.3, so it uses either the 6.2 or 6.0 keys.

Manual Entry:
If you are going to type the key (from a hardcopy perhaps), you only type the parts shown below in BOLD:
[Registered To: ] Joe W. User Sr.   
[ClipMate 5 Key:] G019876505288  
[6.2 Key:] HQPRX3-GJ4HXP-P8H3QQ-Q45GW7-7U768P-E5XM4M-1PB5RK-RA05PZ  
Number of Users:  1