Minimize Resource Utilization
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Versions of windows built on Windows95 (Win95, Win98, Windows ME) have a limited amount of "system resources". Applications with rich user interfaces (lots of buttons, menus, list boxes, etc.) can be a burden on these systems, and no matter how much RAM you have in your system, when you're out of resources, your system is going to become unstable. Note that NT-Based operating systems such as NT4, Windows2000, XP Home and Professional, do not share this limitation.

ClipMate's User Interface is therefore constructed in a modular fashion. ClipMate Explorer, ClipMate Classic, and any "floating, undocked windows" can be opened and closed at will, thus using resources effectively. However, if both Classic and Explorer are loaded into memory, ClipMate will use about 6-8% of your resources. If you run lots of applications (and have lots of fonts installed, lots of things running in the system tray, etc.,) you may not be able to spare all of that. So here are some tips to minimize resource utilization if you are tight on resources.

There are options to load Classic and Explorer at startup. You can save memory by turning both of those off, and running whichever one you need, when you need it. ClipMate will still be in the system tray, collecting data. But will only use 2% of resources. Alternately, if you use Classic every day but rarely Explorer, load Classic at startup, but not Explorer. See the respective tabs of both of those windows, in the User Preferences dialog.

Classic and Explorer
As you move back and forth between Classic and Explorer with Ctrl+E or the toolbar buttons, ClipMate hides one, and shows the other. But does not destroy the one that's being hidden. This is for performance reasons. So if you are moving back and forth, you'll have both loaded into memory.

Close vs. Minimize
If you minimize either Classic or Explorer, it is merely hidden. But if you close it by clicking on the 'X' button on the titlebar, it is destroyed and freed from memory. This will release the resources.

Close and Free All Windows
ClipMate does not need any windows open in order to function. So you use the View | Close And Free All Windows function to remove Classic, Explorer, and any other "floating windows" from memory. This should take ClipMate's utilization down to only 2%. When you need to, you can click on the system tray icon to open a window and do your work. Use this function again, or CLOSE the window with the 'X', and it's again removed from memory.

Speed Tips:
These techniques can also help save loading/unloading time. If you have thousands of clips in your collections and a slow processor, you can save time by not allowing ClipMate to load data into hidden windows. Unload them first, then open just the ones that you want. One ClipList loads in half the time as two.

If you want to run ClipMate but can't afford the resources, then you can use the knowledge obtained here (Start with the bare minimum, close windows when not in use, and use the Close and Free All Windows function).