How do I import my ClipMate5 Data?
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In either ClipMate Classic or ClipMate Explorer, go to the File menu, and select "Import Data From ClipMate 5".
You'll be presented with a dialog box asking for the path to your old data. It may be already populated with the location to your "My Clips" data directory, if ClipMate 6 was able to find it in the registry.

You want to select the directory that is the PARENT of your collections. For example, if your short-term collection is in c:\clipmatedata\short-term, then you want to import c:\clipmatedata. This is very important.

The import process will prompt you for each collection that it finds. You can say yes or no to each of them, and if you select ALL, it will import all of the rest that it finds from that point forward.

Short-Term and Long-Term have been replaced by the less confusing "InBox" and "Safe" collections. You have the option to divert data from Short-Term into InBox, and Long-Term into Safe. Or if you opt not to, then you will have both sets of collections. Most users will want to select YES, when prompted to merge. Don't worry, it won't overwrite any existing data that you may have created already in the new v6 collections.