· | Title - Title of the database. Shows up at the top level of the collection tree.
· | Directory - path to the database. Must be on a local drive, or network drive mapped to a drive letter. You must have read/write access to the directory and files.
· | Auto Load Data Source At Startup? - If a database is seldomly used, or is not available right now, you can tell ClipMate not to load it. (Beginning with v6.2, you can dynamically load any database after ClipMate has started.)
· | Multi-User? - are other users updating this database at the same time that you are? If so, you should set this option.
· | Allow this user to backup the database? - turn this OFF to suppress the weekly backup reminder for this database, while still allowing local databases to be backed up. See Database Backup
· | Read-Only - This prevents ClipMate from trying to write or save any data into this database. You must have at least one "read/write" database though.
· | Trashcan Retention Days - How long to keep items in the trashcan before deleting? 7-30 days are recommended. Setting to 0 won't necessarily make ClipMate more efficient, due to database allocation issues.
· | Purging and Aging - This applies to the scheduling of the Overflow and Trashcan processing. If you are sharing this database on a network, you should have only ONE user set to perform this option. Otherwise, you have the choice of running this maintenance during startup, at shutdown, or continually (runs an hour after the last user activity). Most users should choose the "at startup" option. But if you keep your system up for weeks at a time, and process a lot of data, then perhaps the Hourly option is for you. You can also leave the automatic clean up turned off, and run the cleanup manually.
· | Temp File Location - The database needs to open a few "temp" files, and this setting determines where they go. They can be placed beneath the database directory, in the directory identified as "TMP" in your system settings, or right in the program directory (\program files\clipmate6\temp). Prior versions of ClipMate 6 always stored those files system "TMP" directory, but some users ran into trouble, usually from "cleanup" programs that were clearing out the TMP directory. So now we have 3 options. You should use:
1. | Database Directory - Best option - use unless the database is on a slow device (compact flash, CD, or network). Don't use this option if the datbase is on a network.
2. | System TMP - Good performance, but can cause problems at windows startup (you'll see errors mentioning the temp directory) if other utilities are busy clearing out the temp directory while ClipMate is opening the databases.
3. | Program Directory - use if the other two don't work for you.
Also See: Overall Database Settings Page.