Glossary: W
RIFF Waveform Audio File Format. A widely used format for audio data. OMF Interchange includes it as a common interchange format for audio data.
1.  In video, a visual display that shows the electronic pattern of the video signal. It is used to adjust the setup and gain by using a stable reference such as color bars. The Avid waveform uses a single-line display.
See also vectorscope.
2.  In audio, a visual representation of changing frequencies.
See also energy plot, sample plot.
A horizontal picture disturbance at an edit point, usually caused by timing misadjustments in the edit system.
white point
The luminance value in a video image that you set to be equal to reference white when making a color adjustment.
Compare with black point.
wild sound, wild track
A recording of sound on either videotape or audiotape made without an accompanying picture.
window dub
See burn-in.
A shaped transition between video sources in which a margin or border moves across the screen, wiping out the image of one scene and replacing it with another.
work print
A film print made from the original negative that is used during the editing process to produce a cut list or an edit decision list for final program assembly. Work prints are typically low-cost, one-light prints that receive heavy wear through repeated handling.
See also answer print, print, release print.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to