Glossary: W
RIFF Waveform Audio File Format. A widely used format for audio data.
OMF Interchange includes it as a common interchange format for audio
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In video, a visual display that shows the electronic pattern of the video
signal. It is used to adjust the setup and gain by using a stable reference
such as color bars. The Avid waveform uses a single-line display.
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In audio, a visual representation of changing frequencies.
A horizontal picture disturbance at an edit point, usually caused by timing
misadjustments in the edit system.
The luminance value in a video image that you set to be equal to reference
white when making a color adjustment.
A recording of sound on either videotape or audiotape made without an
accompanying picture.
A shaped transition between video sources in which a margin or border
moves across the screen, wiping out the image of one scene and replacing
it with another.
A film print made from the original negative that is used during the editing
process to produce a cut list or an edit decision list for final program
assembly. Work prints are typically low-cost, one-light prints that receive
heavy wear through repeated handling.