Glossary: E
European Broadcasting Union. A standards-setting organization in which
only users (not vendors) have a voice.
Extreme close-up.
A filter that applies anti-aliasing to graphics created in the Title tool.
Sequential numbers mechanically printed or optically exposed along the
edge of a strip of film to assist in matching negatives to work prints.
To assemble film or video, audio, effects, titles, and graphics to create a
An electronic device, often computer-based, that allows an editor to
precisely control, play, and record to various videotape machines.
In compositions, a measure of the number of editable units per second in a
piece of media data (for example, 30 fps for NTSC, 25 fps for PAL, and
24 fps for film).
Edit decision list. A list of edits made during offline editing and used to
direct the online editing of the master.
The manipulation of an audio or a video signal. Types of film or video
effects include special effects (F/X) such as morphing; simple effects such
as dissolves, fades, superimpositions, and wipes; complex effects such as
keys and DVEs; motion effects such as freeze frame and slow motion; and
title and character generation. Effects usually have to be rendered because
most systems cannot accommodate multiple video streams in real time.
Electronic Industries Association. The largest trade organization that
covers the television and audio fields. EIA publishes a catalog of
standards; the most important standards to the television and audio
industries are the ones developed by its Parts Division and its Consumer
Electronics Group.
The assembly of a finished video program in which scenes are joined
without physically splicing the tape. Electronic editing requires at least two
decks: one for playback and the other for recording.
A C-mode edit decision list (EDL) in which all effects (dissolves, wipes,
and graphic overlays) are performed at the end.
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The addition of technical data such as timecode, cues, or
closed-captioned information to a video recording.
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The conversion of RGB S-Video to composite video.
The display of audio waveforms as a graph of the relative loudness of an
audio signal.
The balancing of various frequencies to create a pleasing sound by
attenuating or boosting specific frequencies within the sound.
A number assigned by the editing system to each performed edit. In most
computer editing systems, an event defines an action or a sequence of
actions performed by the computer in a single pass of the record tape.
To remove a selected area from an edited sequence and to close the
resulting gap in the sequence.
A tool for taking a color from a screen image and using that color for text
or graphics.