Glossary: V
The actual data associated with a particular property in an OMF Interchange object.
variable-speed play
A process — or an editing-system feature that enables the process — of shifting easily between the playing, stepping (jogging), and shuttling of footage.
Video-Black-Video. A preview mode that shows a previously recorded scene, a black segment, and then the previously recorded scene again.
Videocassette recorder. A video recorder that uses consumer-grade videotape formats such as VHS, Betamax, and Hi8.
In color correction, a subdivision of the full color spectrum defined by hue and saturation values. Secondary color correction uses vectors to define specific areas of an image to receive color adjustments.
A visual display that shows the electronic pattern of the color portion of the video signal. It is used to adjust the color saturation and hue by using a stable color reference such as color bars. The Avid Vectorscope monitor uses a single-line display.
See also waveform.
vertical blanking interval
The period during which the television picture goes blank as the electron beam returns (retraces) from scanning one field of video to begin scanning the next. The vertical blanking interval is sometimes used for inserting timecode, for automatic color tuning, or for captioning information into the video signal.
vertical sync
Sync pulses that control the vertical field-by-field scanning of the video picture by the electron beam.
Very high frequency. One of the television signals for broadcasting in the United States per FCC standards. VHF is the frequency between high frequency (HF) and ultrahigh frequency (UHF).
Video Home System. The 1/2-inch videocassette format developed by JVC for consumer and industrial use.
1.  The visual portion of a program or sequence.
2.  All television other than broadcast television.
A plastic shell containing two reels and a length of videotape.
Video Slave Driver
A trademark of Avid Technology, Inc. A hardware component that synchronizes signal inputs, outputs, and conversions; selects audio frame rates; and selects pulldown of video frames.
video stream
1.  In analog editing systems, also called a video playback source.
2.  In digital editing systems, a stream of data making up a digital video image.
Oxide-coated, plastic-based magnetic tape used for recording video and audio signals.
Vertical interval timecode. The timecode inserted in the vertical blanking interval.
Compare with LTC. See also timecode.
A registered trademark of Videomedia, Inc. An industry-standard software protocol for video device control. The V-LAN network allows a computer application to control and synchronize all connected VTRs, switchers, DATs, mixers, and DVEs.
A registered trademark of Videomedia, Inc. A series of controllers that control and synchronize professional video equipment for animation, video editing, HDTV, and broadcast television production.
Videotape recorder.
VU meter
Volume unit meter. An instrument used to measure audio levels.
Video-Video-Video. A preview mode that shows a previously recorded scene, the new insert video, and then the previously recorded scene again.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to