Glossary: K
KEM roll
The roll of film used on a KEM flatbed editing system. A KEM roll combines multiple takes onto a single roll (a work print, not a negative). The maximum length of a KEM roll is 1000áfeet (35mm).
The spacing between text characters in print media, such as titles.
To combine a selected image from one source with an image from another source.
See also chroma key.
key color
The solid color used to key.
Points in time where you have set effect parameter values (or, in Marquee, object property values). The system uses the values set at keyframes to interpolate changes to effects and animated titles.
A trademark of Eastman Kodak Company. A film-marking system that applies optical information identifying the film stock and footage at the edge of the film during manufacture.
key numbers
The original frame identification numbers applied by the film manufacturers to the film stock. Key numbers are used by the negative cutter to conform the film negative. Film Composer cut lists and change lists reference key numbers.
kilobyte (KB)
Approximately one thousand bytes (1024 bytes) of information.
kilohertz (kHz)
One thousand cycles per second.
See also hertz (Hz), megahertz (MHz).

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