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> Revising a Title in a Sequence |
Revising a Title in a Sequence
If you want to revise a title after you have edited it into a sequence and have adjusted parameters with the Effect Editor, you can reopen the title in the Title tool directly from the sequence.
If you have already edited a title into a sequence or have made
adjustments to the effect parameters for that title, you must revise the
title in the sequence (not the title clip in the bin).
To change a title in a sequence:
1. | |
Select Tools > Effect Editor.
2. | |
Click the title segment in the sequence to select it.
3. | |
In the Effect Editor, click the Other Options button.
5. | |
Save the title, using one of the following options:
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Save Title: To save the title with the same name (numbered
incrementally) and media parameters (bin and drive):
a. | |
Select File > Save Title.
The Title tool closes, and the revised title clip replaces the
previous clip in the sequence. The new clip also appears in the bin
and the Source monitor, with the name of the previous clip plus a
two-digit extension that adds incremental numbering for each
revised title. The previous title clip remains unchanged in the bin.
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Save Title as: To rename the title or change any of the media
parameters (bin and drive):
a. | |
Select File > Save Title as.
c. | |
Rename the title, or select other options from the Bin and
Drive pop-up menus.
d. | |
Click Save to save the title and exit the Title tool.
The Title tool closes, and the revised title clip replaces the
previous clip in the sequence. The new clip also appears in the bin
and the Source monitor with the new name. The previous title clip
remains unchanged in the bin.
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You cannot select Fast Save when revising a title in a sequence.