Replacing Fill Tracks
You can replace the fill track of titles with video or graphics. The video or graphic effect then appears inside the title itself, keyed over the background.
Extract/Splice-in button
Lift/Overwrite button
To replace the fill track:
1.  Click either of the Segment Mode buttons (Extract/Splice-in or Lift/Overwrite) below the Timeline, and then double-click the title segment to step into the effect.
2.  Load the video you want to use as replacement filler into the Source monitor.
3.  Drag the Source Track button to the Record Track button in the Track Selector panel to patch the new source video to the title fill track.
4.  Using standard editing methods, edit the video from the Source monitor onto the fill track.

Some features described in Help are available only in Avid Xpress Pro or Avid Xpress DV. For more information about Avid Free DV go to