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> Saving Titles, Title Styles, and Title Templates |
Saving Titles, Title Styles, and Title Templates
After creating a new title, save your work in one of the following ways:
Save the title and exit the Title tool.
Save the title and continue creating additional titles.
Save a title style that you can apply to additional titles you create.
Save a title as a template that you can use to quickly create additional
titles with the same attributes and behavior.
You can also reopen in the Title tool a previously saved title and make further changes.
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After editing a title into a sequence and adjusting effect parameters, you
can also save a Title Effect template that contains only the effect
information (without title media) for applying to other previously created
titles. For more information, see Saving an Effect Template.
Before exporting a sequence as an OMFI file, render all fast-saved
titles and any unrendered rolling titles.
The following topics provide information on saving titles, title styles, and title templates: