Using the ExpertRender Command After a Real-Time Playback Attempt
Use the following steps when the Avid editing application has had difficulty with real-time preview of effects and has displayed information bars in the timecode track of the Timeline.
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When you render recommended ranges in material by following this
procedure, you can usually achieve analog output of the same material
without further rendering. For DV output, however, you should use the
ExpertRender command again for the duration of the material since you
usually need to render additional effects.
For information on using the ExpertRender command under other circumstances, see
Understanding ExpertRender.
To render effects using ExpertRender after a real-time playback
1. | |
Select all tracks in the Timeline that contain effects you want
ExpertRender to analyze.
2. | |
Mark IN and OUT points around the material you want ExpertRender
to analyze.
3. | |
Select Clip > ExpertRender In/Out.
The Expert Render dialog box opens and indicates the number of red
bar ranges that need to be rendered to achieve real-time preview of
4. | |
Do one of the following:
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To render only the effects necessary to achieve successful real-
time effects preview, select "Render recommended ranges," and
then click OK.
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To render all the effects that ExpertRender has identified for
rendering within your marked selection, select "Render entire
The message in the Expert Render dialog box changes to indicate
the number of effects that ExpertRender has identified for
rendering across the entire selection. Using this option renders all
the effects necessary for successful real-time playback of the
marked region of the Timeline.
If you are preparing for a digital cut, click Prepare effects for Digital
The message in the Expert Render dialog box changes to indicate the
number of effects that ExpertRender has identified for rendering in
order to create a digital cut. Using this option renders all the effects
necessary for successful output of the marked region of the Timeline.
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If your system is not connected to an Avid Mojo DNA, you must render all
effects before performing a digital cut. Software-only systems ignore
unrendered effects during a digital cut. For example, unrendered transition
effects play as cuts.
5. | |
Click the Drive button, and select a drive on which to store the
rendered effects.
The Effect Source Drive is the drive where the media for the outgoing
shot of the first transition resides.
6. | |
Do one of the following:
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Click Cancel.
The Avid editing application removes all ExpertRender
highlighting and cancels the ExpertRender process without
rendering any effects.
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Click Modify Selection.
The effects identified for rendering remain highlighted, and you
can modify the set of effects to render. For more information, see
Modifying ExpertRender Results.
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Click OK.
The Avid editing application renders the highlighted effects.
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If the drive is near capacity, a message box opens and warns you that there
might not be enough space to store the rendered effect. You can click Stop
to stop the rendering process and return to the Expert Render dialog box,
and then select another drive before continuing. Alternatively, you can
click Continue to attempt to render the effects anyway, in case there might
be enough space on the drive.
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To display the estimated processing time during rendering, press the T key
on the keyboard. Press the T key again to clear the display. Press the P key
to view percent rendered.