Understanding Real-Time Playback Information in the Timeline
When your Avid editing application is unable to maintain real-time playback of an effects sequence, colored bars appear in the timecode track of the Timeline when playback ends.
These bars provide you with information about the difficulties the Avid editing application had during playback. You can use this information to help you render only those parts of the sequence necessary to achieve real-time playback.
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Red bars mark the ranges where the Avid editing application was
unable to display frames.
The ranges marked by red bars are ranges that the Avid editing
application recommends for rendering to achieve successful real-time
playback. If you mark IN and OUT points around these ranges, use the
ExpertRender In/Out command, and then render the recommended
ranges, the application will be able to preview your material
successfully in real time. For more information, see
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Yellow bars mark the ranges that caused difficulty for the Avid editing
application during playback.
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Blue bars mark the location of frames that caused difficulty for the
Avid editing application because of disk speed limitations.
If you find that your playback information often includes blue bars, it
is likely that replacing your media disks with faster drives will improve
the Avid editing application's ability to play back effects in real time.
You can control whether real-time playback information bars appear in the Timeline from the Timeline Settings dialog box.
To turn real-time playback information bars on or off:
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In the Settings scroll list of the Project window, double-click Timeline.
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If it is not already highlighted, click the Display tab.
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Select or deselect Highlight Suggested Render Areas After Playback.
Real-time playback information bars appear in the Timeline when this
option is selected. This option is selected by default.