Modifying ExpertRender
You can modify the results of an ExpertRender analysis, removing effects that you do not want to render and adding others that you do want to render.
In most cases, the results of an ExpertRender analysis will offer the fastest rendering necessary for successful playback. You should modify the results of an ExpertRender analysis only if you are confident that your modifications are useful. For examples of situations where you might want to modify the results of an ExpertRender analysis, see
Considerations When Using ExpertRender.
If you render the results of an ExpertRender analysis without making any modifications, the material you submitted to ExpertRender will usually play back successfully in real time. If you render recommended ranges, the material will play back successfully for preview purposes; if you render the entire selection, the material will play back successfully for output.
| Render Effect button |
| Extract/Splice-in button |
| Lift/Overwrite button |
To modify the results of an ExpertRender analysis:
2. | |
In the Expert Render dialog box, click Modify Selection.
3. | |
Shift+click effects in the Timeline to add them or remove them from
the set of effects to render.
Effects currently selected are highlighted.
4. | |
When you are satisfied with your selections, click the Render Effect
button in the Effect Editor or in the Tool palette.
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To prevent this dialog box from opening, press and hold the Alt key
(Windows) or Option key (Macintosh) when you click the Render Effect
button. The Avid editing application will use the last drive selected.
5. | |
Click the Drive button, and select a drive for the rendered media.
The Effect Source Drive is the drive where the media on the outgoing
shot of a transition resides.
The Avid editing application renders the highlighted effects.
 | |
If the drive is near capacity, a message box opens and warns you that there
might not be enough space to store the rendered effect. You can click Stop
to stop the rendering process and return to the Render Effect dialog box,
and then select another drive before continuing. Alternatively, you can
click Continue to attempt to render the effects anyway, in case there might
be enough space on the drive.
 | |
To display the estimated render time during rendering, press the T key on
the keyboard. Press the T key again to clear the display. Press the P key to
view percent rendered.
To cancel ExpertRender during the modification process, do one of
the following:
Click in the timecode track to move the position indicator.
Double-click one of the Segment Mode buttons (Extract/Splice-in or
Lift/Overwrite) below the Timeline.
From the Clip menu, select an ExpertRender command; and then in the
Expert Render dialog box, click Cancel.
ExpertRender removes all its highlighting and cancels the
ExpertRender process without rendering any effects.