Media Files
Sometimes, after you consolidate or move material between systems, the clips or sequences lose their links to the original media files. When a clip becomes unlinked, it displays the message "Media Offline." If appropriate media exists online, you can use the Relink command to reestablish the link.
When you select subclips or sequences and select the Relink command, the system searches for master clips that contain the same material included in the selection.
You can also relink master clips to appropriate media files, and can relink based on resolution. The system compares information such as source tape name, timecode information, and channels captured. If the search is successful, the system establishes new links to the available media files. You can instruct the system to search specific drives or all available drives.
To relink clips, subclips, or sequences:
1. | |
Select the unlinked object or objects in the bin.
The Relink dialog box opens.
Relink Dialog Box Options
Relink by |
 | | Source Timecode and Tape
 | | Key Number (KN Start) - picture only
Relink offline non-master clips to any online items | Relinks clips and sequences to the master clips that contain the same material. |
Relink all non-master clips to selected online items | Relinks related subclips or sequences to the highlighted clip in the bin. When you select this option, the option "Allow relinking to offline items" is available.
 | |
When you select "Allow relinking to offline items," all
available drives are searched regardless of the setting for
"Relink to media on volume."
Relink offline master clips to online media files | Relinks master clips to media files that share similar database information. |
Relink to Media on Volume |
 | | All Available Drives: Searches across all media drives that are
 | | A specific drive volume: Relinks to media on a specific media
Relink only to media from the current project | Restricts relinking to the current project. |
Match case when comparing tape names | Makes tape name search case sensitive. |
Relink Method |
 | | Most Recent: Relinks to the most recently created clip. This
option is selected by default.
 | | Highest Quality: Relinks to the highest quality clip; for online
 | | Most Compressed: Relinks to the most compressed clip; for
offline work.
Create new sequences | Leaves existing sequences alone and relinks only to copies with .relinked appended to their names. This option is selected by default. |
The system searches the selected media drives, and relinks clips and
sequences if possible.
The system disregards audio sample rate when matching media files.
 | |
To maintain the original capture settings for a subclip or sequence, use the
Batch Capture command; do not use the Relink command.
See the following topics: