Relinking Consolidated Clips
If the appropriate media exists online, you can reconnect consolidated clips, subclips, or sequences to the new or old media files.
For example, if you consolidated a sequence and forgot to create a duplicate, and later decide to use the original media files instead of the consolidated media files, you can break the new link and reestablish the old link to the original files.
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Because subclips and sequences do not point directly to the media files,
you can perform this procedure only using the source master clips.
To relink consolidated subclips or sequences:
1. | |
Select the new master clips for a consolidated subclip or sequence (the
clips have the file name extension .new), and unlink them.
The Relink dialog box opens.
3. | |
Select "Relink offline master clips to online media files" to relink
master clips to media files that share similar database information.
4. | |
Click the Relink to Media on Volume pop-up menu, and select a
specific drive volume that contains the original media file.
5. | |
(Option) Select "Relink only to media from the current project."
6. | |
(Option) Select "Match case when comparing tape names."
The clips are relinked to the original media files.