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> Creating an Enhancement |
Creating an Enhancement
To create a new enhancement:
1. | |
Select Enhancement > New.
2. | |
Supply values for the attributes, as described in the following sections:
Type a value or select it from the pop-up menu located next to the text
box. Values that are included in the template and the open file are listed
in the pop-up menu. If you type the first letter of a value that is listed in
the menu, MetaSync Manager displays values beginning with that
letter in the pop-up menu. This display is case sensitive: the first letter
of the values displayed match the case (uppercase or lowercase) of the
letter that you typed.
3. | |
(Option) Click the Clear All button in the New Enhancement pane to
delete information from all fields except Meta Type.
5. | |
Click Enter to add the enhancement to the enhancements file.
The enhancement and its attributes, including a unique ID number,
appear in the spreadsheet.