Verifying Enhancement Paths
To verify the paths for all enhancements in an enhancements file:
Select Enhancement > Check Links.
Click the Check Links button.
A progress indicator appears.
In a few seconds, the MetaSync Manager marks all enhancements in
the spreadsheet with either a red icon (can't verify path) or a green
icon (path verified). For each enhancement, the application checks
both the Location path and, for ITV SMPTE-363M enhancements, the
URL path. It also places a check mark in front of the Check Links
menu item to show that the paths have been checked.
To get information about an enhancement whose paths could not be
Double-click the enhancement row.
A message explains why the paths could not be verified.
If you add an enhancement or edit an enhancement, you need to verify the paths again.
To verify the paths:
1. | |
Select Enhancement > Check Links.
All icons are cleared from the spreadsheet. Also, the check mark is
cleared from the Check Links menu item.
2. | |
Select Enhancement > Check Links again.
The application checks the Location path and URL path (if applicable)
for all enhancements and marks them with the appropriate icons. It
also places a check mark in front of the Check Links menu item.