This is the window for changing the preferences.
Note: If the interface is in a language that you don't understand, do the following (see the screenshot):
1. Frame rate
Frame rate is very important. It is used for converting frame and time values. It means the number of movie frames played per second. It determines the sampling rate for the timer responsible for rendering subtitles.
The frame rate is determined from movie. If no movie loaded, a default value of 25.0 is selected. The user can select the rate freely. If a movie is loaded, the frame rate is determined from the movie and the user can't change it. If the movie doesn't support frame mode (ASF or OGG for example), the default value of 25.0 is used for rendering subtitles (25 per second is quite enough and gives nice numbers in time mode) and the program can't be switched to the frame mode.
All subtitles have dual timestamps, one in frames an the other in seconds. One is calculated from the other, depending on the subtitles type (frame based or time based). The frame rate is used for converting them. If you save the subtitles in the same format as when they were loaded, the won't have corrupted timing if bad frame rate was selected.
Note: You can't change the subtitles speed by selecting frame rate in this box. If you want for example change the speed of subtitles that were designed for 25,000 fps to run correctly with movie that has 23,976 fps, see editor functions, section Move / Scale.
Note 2: If you have frame based subtitles designed for a 25 fps movie, you can use them with a 23.976 fps (or any other) movie with NO changes and they will run correctly
2. Language
By clicking on the globe button, you can select from available language files. The list of available languages is created on program startup. Language files must have the *.lng extension and must reside in the same directory as Subtitle Processor executable file.
Language files are in the XML format. You can edit them in any XML editor or plain text editor.
Additional languages may be available in the future.
The default language for the first time is English. If the language file selected in the INI file does not exist, the English will be used.
By clicking on the ? button in the top right corner of the language box you can get aditional information about the language file from the translator (if it was provided in the file)
3. Settings
There are several tabs containing various settings