Iterity Outsourcing

The implementation of our user-friendly and reliable applications administered by our experts may reduce your demand for your own technical staff. The system may be operated by our hardware or by your hardware located in your premises. Let us negotiate the terms and conditions, sign a service contract, and the IT support of your business becomes a reality.

Branch Solutions

Iterity HR Services

Iterity Outsourcing

Web Design & Internet Applications

Iterity Webhosting

IT Consulting Services

Building Information Infrastructure

Iterity Development Concept


"Information system made-to measure"


With Outsourcing@Iterity option you avoid the necessity to invest your time and money into purchase of technology, its deployment, and provision of application licences. The only thing you have to do to benefit immediately from our advanced applications is to contact us, to consult your intentions with our experts, and to give us a little time, that we need to be able to prepare for you an IT solution matching to the maximum possible degree demands and requirements of your particular project. If you intend to hand over part of your work to IT, this is probably the fastest possible way, how to do it.

Administration and security

We are fully responsible for application accessibility and the system administration. You shall have the control over the administration of the system access authorizations, so that the protection of your data confidentiality would stay fully in your hands. The hardware is physically stored in a telehouse under top security measures. High accessibility of applications is guaranteed..

If you want to test the application, that we provide through Outsourcing@Iterity, please contact our sales representatives.


The distinction between Outsourcing@Iterity and Outsourcing@Site consists in the fact, that with the "Site" option our administrators or channel partners perform the system administration activities in the physical seat of your company. We deliver the whole systems (hardware and software)for both options, for which we charge a fixed fee based on the contracted number of concurrent users.

The advantage for you consists in the fact, that you shall have a better control over the server itself, but in case of emergency or major default occurence our intervention - compared to the "Outsourcing@Iterity" option - can never be as fast and prompt.

"Mind your own business!"

Where is there any sense in messing around with a branch, that may be rather new to you and rather strange and distant from the very subject of your business? Why to spend precious time and money on professional training of your own expert staff, why to undertake the troublesome investigation of IT problems and extensive hardware options, when there are ready-made or modified-to-measure solutions at your immediate disposal? Outsourcing might become your way out. Leave the administration and service of your IT system to us.



28/ 2/ 2003 - On-line demo version of our brand new application Iterity Collaboration Suite right available. Ask us to access the application now!

12/ 2/ 2003 - We have launched new version of our application Iterity Collaboration Suite 2.5!

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