We provide software solutions designed to help you to improve coordination of the processes vital to the smooth and effective operation of your enterprise. Our aspiration is to provide solutions for electronic office automation to small and medium sized organizations and to reach the status of a leader of the branch in the European Union.


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Career in Iterity

We seek people with ideas and intuition, who are able to work hard as well as to relax. Our team consists of professionals with large experience in realization of projects for both large multi-national organisations and small local enterprises.

We offer exciting work in team working on projects employing advanced technologies and methodology. Advanced technologies develop and we do not want to stay behind. We are looking for people that are willing and able to learn and to work on complex solutions. We support further education and prepare individual training programs for our personnel.

Each individual in our organisation is personality. We are looking for people, whose innovative approach can extend the scope of operation of our knowledge-based company.

If you want to join our team, please send us your CV to jobs@iterity.com with specification of your preferable position and your salary requirements.

What role do you fit in?

(To send your e-mail now, click on the role)

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28/ 2/ 2003 - On-line demo version of our brand new application Iterity Collaboration Suite right available. Ask us to access the application now!

12/ 2/ 2003 - We have launched new version of our application Iterity Collaboration Suite 2.5!

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