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Petice za mír
Datum prvního výskytu: říjen 2002

Verze 1. - Stand for Peace.

War is NOT the Answer. Today we are at a point of imbalance in the world and are moving toward what may be the beginning of a THIRD WORLD WAR. If you are against this possibility, the UN is gathering signatures in an effort to avoid a tragic world event. Please forward this e-mail, first cleaning off any extraneous material, sign at the end of the list, and send it to the people you think would like an opportunity to join this effort. If you receive this list with more than 500 names signed, please send a copy of the message to:
Even if you decide not to sign, please consider forwarding the petition on instead of eliminating it.

Verze 2. - Mourn the Victims.

Stand for Peace. Islam is not the Enemy. War is NOT the Answer.

If you are against this terrible possibility of war against Iraq- or in fact any armed conflict to resolve the issues at hand, the UN is gathering signatures in an effort to avoid a alleged tragic world event. Please COPY (RATHER THAN FORWARD) this e-mail in a new message, sign at the end of the list, and send it to all the people who you know.

If you receive this list with more than 500 names signed, please send a copy of the message to:
Even if you decide not to sign, please consider forwarding the petition on instead of eliminating it.

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