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Datum prvního výskytu: neuveden

Sorry, silly me, this should have been on the top of the mail, if you are passing this on please make sure this is on it:)

The following is a message to be sent to the President of the United States of America.
Although we may not be able to do a great deal from where we are, but for the people of America just knowing we care and feel their sadness will help. Please put your name on the following list and send it to all you know and who care.
If you are the 100th name and every 100th there on could you please also forward this email back to myself on the below address, so "Our Sympathy Email" can be sent. If you do not wish to sign please send this email back to the originator. Thank you for caring

We the undersigned wish to express our most heart felt and sincerest
condolences to the people of America. Our prayers, thoughts and hearts are
with you in this time of sadness and devastation. Time will mend but the
memories will last a life time.

1. John Jonson, AUSTRALIA
2. ...
50. ...
51. Jan Novak, Czech Republic

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