In the picture 3-1 you can see the result
of out example. Following instructions help you to get the same in your PC.

Picture 3-1: Rules Wizard main dialog box
Click on 'New' button to enter a new filter rule. In the next dialog box (picture 3-2) select 'Build as I go' type of rule and 'When I
receive a message in my Inbox' the way when the rule is applied. You can also change
the rule description in its field. Now click on 'Next' button.

Picture 3-2: Rules Wizard - type of rule
In the next dialog box (picture 3-3) select 'with specific words
in the recipient's address' condition to check and click on 'specific words' in
the rule description edit box to type which word you want to check.

Picture 3-3: Rules Wizard - condition to check
In the following dialog box (picture 3-4) type the word which you
want to search in the recipient's address. In our case it is 'exchange'. Click on 'OK'
button to approve this text.

Picture 3-4: Rules Wizard - search text
You're back in the 'condition to check' dialog box (picture 3-5).
Again click on 'Next' button to invoke the following dialog box (picture

Picture 3-5: Rules Wizard - condition to check after typing searched text
Now select 'perform a custom action' to the message. Then in the rule
description edit box click on 'a custom action' to choose it.

Picture 3-6: Rules Wizard - selecting action
In the picture 3-7 you can see 'Select Custom Action' dialog box.
From the combo list select 'Address Book Manager (LM)'. Click on 'Change'
button to set parameters to Address Book Manager.

Picture 3-7: Rules Wizard - selecting action
In the 'Address book manager' dialog box (picture 3-8) select 'Outlook
contacts' in the address book group of radio buttons then select 'Sender' in
the work with address of group of check boxes and 'Add to address book' in the
action group. don't forget to define contact folder by clicking on 'Folder' button.

Picture 3-8: Address book manager
Picture 3-9 shows you dialog box for choosing contact folder. Select
your contact folder and then click on 'OK' button to confirm with selection.

Picture 3-9: Address book manager - choose folder
You're back in the 'Address manager book' dialog box (picture 3-8).
Click on 'OK' button to save custom action data. Now you're again in the 'Select
custom action' dialog box (picture 3-10). Click on 'OK'
button to go back to Rules Wizard.

Picture 3-10: Rules Wizard - selected action
In the last Rules Wizard dialog box (picture 3-11) click on 'Finish'

Picture 3-11: Rules Wizard - finish
Now you should be back in the first Rules Wizard dialog box (picture 3-1).
Click on 'OK' button to close Rules Wizard and return to MS Outlook.