
25. listopadu 1999
1.53 |
- |
enable/disable page header/footer in print action |
- |
fixed filename for save message and save attachments
actions (optional) |
- |
setting various parameters that are passing to launch
program in save message and save attachments actions |
- |
protect ExLife options by password (optional) |
1.22 |
- |
enable/disable page header/footer |
1.3 |
- |
fixed filename for saving attachments (optional) |
- |
setting various parameters that are passing to launch
program |
1.2 |
- |
fixed filename for saving messages (optional) |
- |
setting various parameters that are passing to launch
program |
16. listopadu 1999
1.52 |
- |
possibility to set a fixed filename for save message and
save attachments actions |
- |
possibility to set various parameters that are passing to
launch program in asve message and save attachments actions |
- |
possibility to protect ExLife options by password |
1.3 |
- |
possibility to set a fixed filename for saving attachments |
- |
possibility to set various parameters that are passing to
launch program |
1.2 |
- |
possibility to set a fixed filename for saving messages |
- |
possibility to set various parameters that are passing to
launch program |
28. září 1999
1.51 |
- |
corrected rules processing, when the message should be
printed and then moved (the message wasn't printed in such scenario in
previous versions) |
1.2 |
- |
decoding redirected messages in the inbox after Exchange/Outlook
start (correct the error when messages come to mailbox and the client is
offline) |
CaPrint, CaRedirect, CaSaveAtt,
CaSaveMsg, ExLife |
- |
added online checking for a new release by contacting our
website during start (it's possible to disable this feature in about
dialog box) |
17. srpna 1999
1.5 |
- |
file (sender) action: move messages to subfolders according
sender email address |
- |
file (recipient) action: move messages to subfolders
according recipient email address |
- |
stop processing action: stop applying rules on message |
- |
set reply address priority in reply action |
- |
implemented improved print action (the same as in CaPrint
1.21) |
- |
fixed folder setting in move, copy, address book manager
actions, when you move your pst or ost data file |
5. srpna 1999
1.5 beta |
- |
file (sender) action: move messages to subfolders according
sender email address |
- |
file (recipient) action: move messages to subfolders
according recipient email address |
- |
stop processing action: stop applying rules on message |
- |
set reply address priority in reply action |
- |
implemented improved print action (the same as in CaPrint
1.21) |
- |
fixed folder setting in move, copy, address book manager
actions, when you move your pst or ost data file |
1.21 |
- |
improved printing attached files through associated
applications |
15. května 1999
1.42 |
- |
opraveno ukládání pravidel, pokud se jejich počet
pohybuje ve stovkách |
- |
profesionální verze nyní umožňuje tisknout uživatelská
pole zprávy |
1.05 |
- |
PopRoute umožňuje vybírat POP3 poštovní schránky a
ukládat je do mailboxů v MS Exchange Serveru |
1. května 1999
1.40 |
- |
fixed saving rules when ExLife contains hundreds of them |
- |
professional version now supports custom fields' printing |
1.20 |
- |
custom fields printing |
- |
picture printing (included to the message by OLE) |
- |
printer selection for printing of attachments |
1.05 |
- |
PopRoute picks up emails from POP3 accounts and routes them
to MS Exchange Server mailboxes. |
*) |
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**) |
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