HTML viewers
On this page in the general settings dialog browsing options that apply to all internal and external browsers are set.
Depending on the setting in the top box of this page, the current document will either be saved (or better to say copied) as a temporary file and this temporary file will be shown in the HTML viewer or alternatively the current document itself will automatically be saved under its own filename and the file itself will be shown in the viewer. Choosing the third option 'Automatically save all open files' will automatically save all files currently open in the editor when clicking on one of the above buttons and show the current document in the HTML viewer. This option is especially useful when working with framed documents.
Learn more about viewing you documents in browsers.
The "URL" box on the bottom of this page lets you set if your files are accessed by local filenames or though a httpd server when you view them in the browser. If the later applies, set the URL for your server and the server documents root directory here.
Learn more about browsing through a local server.
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