Browsing overview

Browsing overview

You can preview the documents you are editing in an external browser or in 40tude HTML's internal browser. To do this select "View -> Browse" from the main menu, click on a browser button on the button bar or make use of the one of the keyboard shortcuts F9 to F12.

40tude HTML's internal browser is actually Internet Explorer running inside 40tude HTML, thus this feature requires that Internet Explorer is installed on your computer.

You can preview your documents in 3 different external browsers. Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer and Opera are supported.

To show the current document state in the browser, 40tude HTML will either create a temporary copy of the current document and show the copy in the browser or it will automatically save the current document and will show it in the browser. This depends on the settings on the HTML viewers page in the general settings.

Additional browsing functions are "Autowidth" to preview visualisation for different screen resolutions, "Redirection" for previewing documents in frames and "Access through local httpd server" for development of websites that need server features (e.g. SSI's or cgi-scripts).

Last change: June 08, 2001 - © Softwareentwicklung Marcus Monnig

browsing;previewing documents;netscape navigator;internet explorer;opera