- Can I resize my cache while I am browsing the Internet?
Yes, you may increase the size of your cache at any time. You may also decrease the size of your cache, but you risk losing cached pages. If your cache is already larger than the new maximum size, Webcelerator can spend from several minutes to half an hour resizing your cache. You may continue browsing during this time, but prefetching will be reduced.
- Which browsers are supported by Webcelerator?
Webcelerator supports Netscape Navigator 2,3 and 4, and Internet Explorer 3, 4, 5 and AOL.
- What is the 'Webcelerator Tray Icon'?
A tray icon is a small picture that represents a currently running program. It is displayed in one corner of your Windows' screen, somewhere along your Windows' task bar. The Webcelerator tray icon is a spider web against a dark blue background. It animates when Webcelerator is busy verifying a page. When you right-click our tray icon you will discover a whole panel of short-cut options.
- Particular sites give me problems when they are prefetched or refreshed. How can I work around this?
The file Exclude.txt in your Webcelerator folder allows you to specify sites which are to be handled uniquely. There are many options to choose from. See Site-Specific Options for more information.
- I am not seeing any speed improvement. What is wrong?
If you are accessing the Internet thorough a Local Area Network instead of through your own modem, please make these settings in the Network Settings window of Webcelerator:
- Remove the check from "Connect through a Modem"
- Remove the check from "Optimize Internet Connection"
These adjustments will help Webcelerator perform better for you.
If you connect to the Internet with a modem, leave "Optimize Internet Connection" checked. All users can also improve performance by checking "Enable Prefetching", "Show and Verify", and "Aggressive Mode" in the Working Environment window of Webcelerator. Also check your "Prefetch Connections" number. The default, 2, is optimized for a 28.8 or 33.6 connection. If you have a 56K connection, 3-4 would be optimal. Those with an ISDN connection could use 6-8.
- Can I lock out certain sites so that they are never displayed?
Yes. The file Exclude.txt in your Webcelerator folder allows you to specify sites which are never to be displayed. See Site-Specific Options for more information.
- How can I be sure that I am getting the most current web page contents?
Webcelerator will always verify the contents of the page and update it when necessary. In the Working Environment window you can specify whether you would like Webcelerator to show the cached page while it verifies it, or if you want Webcelerator to always verify before displaying. If the page has not changed there is no need for an Internet download and your page is displayed immediately.
- What does it mean when my Webcelerator icon is replaced by revolving green arrows?
The green arrows suggest that you press reload. The Webcelerator icon changes to revolving green arrows whenever the displayed page is not current.
- Why does my computer try to auto-dial the network when I have not launched a browser, and how can I get it to stop?
If you normally use a modem to dial-up the internet, but have inadvertantly set Webcelerator to use a local area network (LAN) when you installed, you will see Webcelerator attempt to auto-dial. In LAN mode Webcelerator trys to establish a connection with a LAN as soon as it launches. To fix the problem, open the Network Settings window and check "Connect using a modem."
- When I exit Webcelerator, my browser does not seem to notice that it is not to use Webcelerator anymore, although the settings appear to be reset properly.
You can nudge your browser to look again at its own settings by opening the Internet Connections window and Advanced Settings window, then click "OK." Remember to close your browser windows and e-mail programs before opening or closing Webcelerator for better browser/Webcelerator interaction.
- Why has my browser homepage changed?
The exchange for using our product is to also use our homepage. Our free software is supported entirely by advertisement. By allowing us to set your homepage to our homepageware, you are supporting free software and helping us to continue to produce more free software. We are trying to make homepageware as useful as possible so that this "cost" will feel more like another benefit. If you have any suggestions to improve the page, e-mail us at support@accelerationsw.com.
- My homepageware URL is different than my neighbor's. Will it matter which URL is used?
No, there are several homepageware URLs and any will work for all our homepageware products. When one product has set a vaild homepageware URL, additional homepageware products will leave that URL alone.
- How do I uninstall Webcelerator?
If you have not yet attempted to delete Webcelerator files, follow the uninstall directions found under the help heading "Installing Webcelerator." This will make sure that all browser and registry settings are returned to normal.
If you have already begun to delete files, the easiest method is to reinstall Webcelerator and then to uninstall according to the directions. We have also provided a backup method if the uninstall process fails. Execute Repair.exe which you will find in your Webcelerator directory. This will help to complete a partial or interrupted uninstall. Please close Webcelerator and all browsers before you run Repair.exe. If it is necessary, individual help to manually reset the registry entries and switches is available through our Technical Support department.
- What are the system requirements for Webcelerator?
Webcelerator requires Windows 95,98, or NT, and we recommend:
- Pentium 75Mhz processor or better
- 32MB of RAM
- 20MB Minimum Hard Drive Space
- 14.4Kbps modem or better
If your system does not meet these recommendations, Webcelerator may run perfectly on your computer, as it is designed to run on any Windows 95/98/NT computer. However a computer below the minimum recommendations may not run Webcelerator as well.á We have not tested on systems that do not meet the minimum recommendations. á If you would like to test Webcelerator and provide us feedback on how well it works for you, it would be greatly appreciated.
Also Webcelerator uses a significant amount of memory so we strongly recommend 32MBs of RAM though it will work with less. If you are using it with less, you should right-click the Webcelerator icon in the corner of the screen and choose "Exit" when you are not online.
- Note of caution for defragmentation.
Webcelerator continues doing cache maintenance even when the user is not browsing. This activity keeps the disk changing and prevents defragmentation from completing. To successfully defragment your disk, please first exit Webcelerator.