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strßnku Sdru₧enφ |
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BIOTREND je neziskovß organizace vytvo°enß
v∞deck²mi pracovnφky pro Üφ°enφ informacφ o modernφ biotechnologii. |
![BIOTREND is non-profit organization formed by academic community for dissemination of information on modern biotechnology BIOTRIN - Praha](/file/23389/Chip_2000-07_cd.bin/internet/Biotrin/images/logo2.gif) BIOTREND
BIOTREND is non-profit organization
formed by academic community for dissemination of information on modern biotechnology |
Je tu pro vaÜφ informaci
a jako f≤rum pro vaÜe nßzory |
It is here for your
information and also as a round-table for your ideas |
Vyberte si,
kterß informace vßs nejvφce zajφmß |
What is BIOTREND |
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