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Bond marketing Ltd. – COMPANY PROFILE

Bond marketing Ltd. was estabilished in 1995.
First year activity on Czech market was directed most to classical marketing and advertising.
In 1966 the company started activities in Czech companies representation.
In 1997 opened internet marketing services section – preparing new export opportunities for Czech manufacturers and helping external companies to find their way to Czech customer.
Since march 1998 Bond marketing provides Czech Business Server www.bond.cz - the site with business and trade opportunities.

Bond marketing created an extensive an precise Czech Companies Database. This database is all the time updated and serves for all marketing activities for own and clients uses.

Bond marketing offers wide range of marketing services – classical (direct marketing, market research, database selections) and internet ( HTML design, internet presentation, web-promotion, business and trade oppotunities on internet).

The compani is based in Czech Republic, in a little town Slavkov u Brna/Austerlitz , Palackeho nam.89.

Company owners:

Mrs.Dipl.Ing.Renata Bendova : director of Export Services and Web-Promotion Section.

Mr.Pavel Solc: director of Companies Internet Presentation and Database Managing Section.

Bond marketing s.r.o.
Palackeho nam.89
CZ684 01 Slavkov u Brna
Phone:0042 05 44220756, 44221062
tel./fax. 0042 05 44220755
E-mail: bond@bond.cz