<%if Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") = "shop.bond.cz" then Response.Redirect("http://www.bond.cz/shop")%> <%if Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") = "glass.bond.cz" then Response.Redirect("http://www.bond.cz/glass")%> Czech Republic Business and Trade opportunities - direct contact to Central Europe, Česká republika Obchod a obchodní příležitosti-přímý kontakt do Střední Evropy
Bond marketing Ltd.
Czech version
Czech version

p r e s e n t s

Business Opportunities in Czech Republic

Central Europe

You already have got the


- it  means you can see.

Now we offer you the


to come in and take

personal contact.

Come in please
Best Of New Directions

Bond marketing Ltd., Palackeho nam.89, CZ 684 01 Slavkov u Brna

Czech Republic - EUROPE

Phone:   0042 05 44220755-6, 1062, fax: 0042 05 44220755

e-mail: bond@bond.cz