About Zvon: Draft v.1.00

.........Zvon is a group of people who feel that free exchange of information is the key to better future. We know that we cannot save the world but every little helps.
.........There is a conclusive evidence from the free software community (Linux , Apache , GNU ) that it is possible to produce outstanding programs in an open environment.
.........Such achievements can not be specific to the area of computer programming. In each area of human activity there is a huge potential for creative work in open environment, but there exist technical details which are necessary to overcome. The task is made difficult by the fact, that you cannot rely on computer abilities of most contributors.
.........At this moment people are very good in producing information but they still do not master information distribution and sharing, especially not on a large scale.
.........There are many people who know a lot about chemistry, history, art, and so on and who are willing to share they knowledge, but they do not have the expertise to use computers to efficiently communicate their ideas. On the other hand there are thousands of others who are very good in programming or other computer related tasks. There must be some way how to bring these groups together.
.........There are also thousands of Internet users who contribute in their own way to the common knowledge. The problem is that writing a good tutorial or textbook is a very time consuming task. You will therefore find many short introductions but really complex views are sparse. If there was a simple way how to co-author in large groups, then everybody could focus only on the parts he/she knows best.
.........Most available information is written in English. It would be excellent if important texts could be translated into other languages, the problem is that the really important one are often covered by copyright which does not permit translations. We need something like GNU Public License for all aspects of information sharing.
......... We are now investigating systems, which would simplify information sharing. Look at list of projects for details.

HOMEID: zvon19990701085405474RECENT_PAGES
Editor: Miloslav Nic [MNaaaa]Created:1.7.1999Last change:1.9.1999
[ cs ]
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