How to Help

There is a widespread feeling that if you want to take part in an Internet project, you have to be a computer expert. But knowledge of computers and programming is only one of many valuable assets. Everybody has some capabilities which could be invaluable for others. Please look at the following requests and help.


  1. Zvon website
  2. Zvon Projects

TARGET: Zvon website


  1. Help to formulate new tasks, descriptions, ... , or help to reformulate current ones.
  2. Create alternative stylesheets
  3. Help to develop software.
  4. Language revision
  5. Translations

Task: Help to formulate new tasks, descriptions, ... , or help to reformulate current ones.

If you have an idea while reading a page, please drop a note to the author of the page. It is very difficult to formulate precisely your ideas, every hint can become extremely valuable.

Task: Create alternative stylesheets

Zvon is trying to demonstrate advantages of XML and related standards. The possibility to make several different presentations from the same source is one of the strengths of XML.

Task: Help to develop software.

It would be nice if somebody could have look at scripts which are used in Zvon and make them more general and help with new programs.

Task Related LinksLang
Project ZvonWeb

Task: Language revision

We need help from native speakers. Please help us to correct spelling mistakes, unnaturally formulated sentences, ...

Task: Translations

We are looking for people which could help with translations to different languages.

TARGET: Zvon Projects


  1. Join an existing project
  2. Create a new project

Task: Join an existing project

Task Related LinksLang
List of Zvon projects

Task: Create a new project

If you have some idea and you think that Zvon can be helpful, you are welcome.

HOMEID: zvon19990709112149102RECENT_PAGES
Editor: Miloslav Nic [MNaaaa]Created:9.7.1999Last change:9.7.1999
[ cs ]
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