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Q: Pulling that many megabytes through the net from my overloaded SimTel.NET mirror is almost impossible. Can't you prepare a ZIP archive which only includes stuff I can't do without?
To make downloading DJGPP easier, download and compile the BatchFTP program. It allows you to submit a script of FTP commands and will repeatedly try to login into the FTP site you specify until the script is successfully completed. It is smart enough to understand the messages which the FTP server sends to you (like login refused etc.) and also is nice to the remote server by sleeping for some time between login attempts. BatchFTP is free software and can be found on many FTP sites.
BatchFTP is a Unix program; those who access the net from their PC (not by dialing into some Unix host with a shell account), can use one of the available programs for automated FTP access.
As for the minimal DJGPP installation, volunteers are welcome to prepare such an archive and make it publicly available, in the same spirit as EZ-GCC did for DJGPP v1.x.
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Copyright ⌐ 1998 by Eli Zaretskii | Updated Sep 1998 |
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