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4.8 How to uninstall a DJGPP package.

Q: How can I uninstall a certain package?

Q: How can I install a newer version of some package without leaving traces of the older installation?

A: The *.mft files in the manifest subdirectory hold the lists of all the files included in every package you install. For example, when you unzip, it puts a file called gcc281b.mft into the manifest subdirectory. The easiest way to remove all those files is to use the *.mft files as response files to a command which deletes files. For example:
       rm -f @manifest/gcc281b.mft

The rm program is part of the GNU Fileutils package, available as v2gnu/ from the usual DJGPP FTP sites. When you install a new version of a package, it is best to uninstall the previous version first, like in the above example, and then install the new one.

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