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4.6 How much disk space will I need?

Q: Wow, that's a lot of files. How much disk storage will I need?

A: The following lists the approximate disk space required for several major configurations, and additional storage required for some optional packages:
     Execution-only environment..................300 KBytes
     Developing C programs.......................15 MBytes
     Developing C++ programs.....................20 MBytes
     Developing Objective-C programs.............16 MBytes
     Additional storage for RHIDE................4 MBytes
     Additional storage for DJGPP sources........6 MBytes
     Additional storage for GDB..................1.1 MBytes
     Additional storage for Emacs................30 MBytes
     Additional storage for Flex.................280 KBytes
     Additional storage for Bison................310 KBytes
     Additional storage for Diffutils............560 KBytes
     Additional storage for Make.................650 KBytes
     Additional storage for Patch................180 KBytes
     Additional storage for Sed..................200 KBytes
     Additional storage for Graphics libraries...4 MBytes

Note that the above lists only approximate numbers. In particular, the disk cluster size can significantly change the actual disk space required by some of the distributions (those with a large number of files). The numbers above are for disks which have 8KB or smaller clusters.

In addition to the space for installing the software, you will need some free disk space for the swap file. You should leave enough free disk space to make the total virtual memory at least 20 MBytes; that will be enough for most applications. Invoke the go32-v2.exe program without arguments to see how much DPMI memory and swap space DJGPP applications can use. Depending on your DPMI host, you might need to review its virtual memory settings in addition to leaving free disk space; CWSDPMI only requires that enough free disk space be available, but other DPMI hosts have special settings to specify how much virtual memory they let their clients use, as explained in how to set up memory, below.

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