Procedure AlignScreen(J,K: INTEGER; VAR TopL,BotR : INTEGER); VAR scnx1,scny1,scnx2,scny2,Width : INTEGER; BEGIN GetScreen(scnx1,scny1,scnx2,scny2); Width:= K-J; TopL:= ((scnx1 + scnx2) DIV 2) - (Width DIV 2); BotR:= TopL + Width; END;
What it does
Derives screen center coordinates. Use it with custom dialogs to center your
dialog independently of screen size.
Procedure StdOKControl(ScreenHt,ScreenWid:INTEGER); BEGIN AddButton('OK',1,1,ScreenWid - 68,(ScreenHt-100)-33,ScreenWid -10,(ScreenHt-100)-13); END;
What it does
Places the OK button in a standard dialog location. Use it in the creation of your
custom dialogs.
Procedure StdControls(ScreenHt,ScreenWid:INTEGER); BEGIN AddButton('OK',1,1,ScreenWid - 68,(ScreenHt-100)-33,ScreenWid -10,(ScreenHt-100)-13); AddButton('Cancel',2,1,ScreenWid - 136,(ScreenHt-100)-33,ScreenWid -78,(ScreenHt-100)-13); END;
What it does
Places the OK and Cancel buttons in a standard dialog location. Horizontal
button orientation.
Procedure StdControls2(ScreenHt,ScreenWid:INTEGER); BEGIN AddButton('OK',1,1,ScreenWid - 68,(ScreenHt-100)-63,ScreenWid -10,(ScreenHt-100)-43); AddButton('Cancel',2,1,ScreenWid - 68,(ScreenHt-100)-33,ScreenWid -10,(ScreenHt-100)-13); END;
What it does
Places the OK and Cancel buttons in a standard dialog location. Vertical button orientation.
Procedure BoxToggle(theItem:INTEGER); BEGIN IF ItemSel(theItem) THEN SetItem(theItem,False) ELSE SetItem(theItem,True); END;
What it does
Toggles check box on/off status in custom dialogs.
Procedure RadioToggle(Control1,Control2,ItemSelected:INTEGER); BEGIN IF ItemSelected = Control1 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,True); SetItem(Control2,False); END ELSE IF ItemSelected = Control2 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,False); SetItem(Control2,True); END; END;
What it does
Toggles status of a radio button pair in custom dialogs.
Procedure RadioToggle3(Control1,Control2,Control3,ItemSelected:INTEGER); BEGIN IF ItemSelected = Control1 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,True); SetItem(Control2,False); SetItem(Control3,False); END ELSE IF ItemSelected = Control2 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,False); SetItem(Control2,True); SetItem(Control3,False); END ELSE IF ItemSelected = Control3 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,False); SetItem(Control2,False); SetItem(Control3,True); END; END;
What it does
Toggles status of a 3 radio button set in custom dialogs.
Procedure RadioToggle4(Control1,Control2,Control3,Control4,ItemSelected:INTEGER); BEGIN IF ItemSelected = Control1 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,True); SetItem(Control2,False); SetItem(Control3,False); SetItem(Control4,False); END ELSE IF ItemSelected = Control2 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,False); SetItem(Control2,True); SetItem(Control3,False); SetItem(Control4,False); END ELSE IF ItemSelected = Control3 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,False); SetItem(Control2,False); SetItem(Control3,True); SetItem(Control4,False); END ELSE IF ItemSelected = Control4 THEN BEGIN SetItem(Control1,False); SetItem(Control2,False); SetItem(Control3,False); SetItem(Control4,True); END; END;
What it does
Toggles status of a 4 radio button set in custom dialogs.