Function GetRecField(ObHd:HANDLE;RecordName,FieldName:STRING):STRING; VAR Q,CriteriaString:STRING; BEGIN Q:=Chr(39); CriteriaString:=Concat('(',Q,RecordName,Q,'.',Q,FieldName,Q,')'); GetRecField:=EvalStr(ObHd,CriteriaString); END;
What it does
Returns the value in the specified record field. User must provide handle to object, and the
object must have only one record attached. Handles that pesky EvalStr criteria specification.
Function IsRecAttached(theObject:HANDLE;RecordName:STRING):BOOLEAN; VAR Q,CriteriaString:STRING; AttachStatus:REAL; BEGIN Q:=Chr(39); CriteriaString:=Concat('(R IN [',Q,RecordName,Q,'])'); AttachStatus:=Eval(theObject,CriteriaString); IF AttachStatus = 1.0 THEN IsRecAttached:=True ELSE IsRecAttached:=False; END;
What it does
Returns a BOOLEAN value to indicate whether the specified record is attached to specified object.
Function BuildRecCrit(Record,Field:STRING;RecordOnly,UseEqual:BOOLEAN):STRING; VAR Q,CriteriaString:STRING; BEGIN Q:=Chr(39); IF RecordOnly THEN BEGIN CriteriaString:=Concat('(R IN[',Q,Record,Q,'])'); IF UseEqual THEN CriteriaString:=Concat('=',CriteriaString); END ELSE BEGIN CriteriaString:=Concat('(',Q,Record,Q,'.',Q,Field,Q,')'); IF UseEqual THEN CriteriaString:=Concat('=',CriteriaString); END; BuildRecCrit:=CriteriaString; END;
What it does
Formats and returns a record-field criteria, inserting quotes required by search strings with
MiniPascal search criteria. Flag "RecordOnly" defines whether a record-only criteria is returned
(False=record-field;True=record only). Flag "UseEqual" lets you select whether an equal sign
is prepended to the criteria(for use in the worksheet).