Procedure ActivateWS(theWkshtName:STRING); VAR SSHd:HANDLE; BEGIN SSHd:=GetObject(theWkshtName); SelectSS(SSHd); END;
What it does
Selects the worksheet as specified by the string parameter.
Function WSExistH(WSName:STRING;VAR WSHd:HANDLE):BOOLEAN; BEGIN WSHd:=GetObject(WSName); IF WSHd <> NIL THEN WSExist:=True ELSE WSExist:=False; END;
What it does
If the specified worksheet exists, the function returns TRUE, and a handle to the
worksheet; otherwise the function returns FALSE.
Function WSExist(WSName:STRING):BOOLEAN; VAR WSHd:HANDLE; BEGIN WSHd:=GetObject(WSName); IF WSHd <> NIL THEN WSExist:=True ELSE WSExist:=False; END;
What it does
If the specified worksheet exists, the function returns TRUE. If there is no worksheet,
the function returns FALSE.
Procedure BuildWorksheetDB(WSName,RecordName:STRING;StartRow:INTEGER); VAR Q,CriteriaString:STRING; Procedure ActivateWS(theWkshtName:STRING); VAR SSHd:HANDLE; BEGIN SSHd:=GetObject(theWkshtName); SelectSS(SSHd); END; BEGIN Q:=Chr(39); CriteriaString:=Concat('=Database((R IN[',Q,RecordName,Q,']))'); ActivateWS(WSName); LoadCell(StartRow,0,CriteriaString); END;
What it does
Creates data base subrows in a MiniCad worksheet to display record-field or other information
from objects. You supply the worksheet name, record name, and start row for database
information to be displayed.
Procedure BuildDBColumnRF(WSName,Record,Field:STRING;Row,Column:INTEGER); VAR theCriteria:STRING; Procedure ActivateWS(theWkshtName:STRING); VAR SSHd:HANDLE; BEGIN SSHd:=GetObject(theWkshtName); SelectSS(SSHd); END; Function BuildRecCrit(Record,Field:STRING;RecordOnly,UseEqual:BOOLEAN):STRING; VAR Q,CriteriaString:STRING; BEGIN Q:=Chr(39); IF RecordOnly THEN BEGIN CriteriaString:=Concat('(R IN[',Q,Record,Q,'])'); IF UseEqual THEN CriteriaString:=Concat('=',CriteriaString); END ELSE BEGIN CriteriaString:=Concat('(',Q,Record,Q,'.',Q,Field,Q,')'); IF UseEqual THEN CriteriaString:=Concat('=',CriteriaString); END; BuildRecCrit:=CriteriaString; END; BEGIN ActivateWS(WSName); LoadCell(Row,Column,BuildRecCrit(Record,Field,FALSE,TRUE)); END;
What it does
Loads a user specified record and field to be displayed in a worksheet database subrow. You
supply the name of the worksheet,the record and the field to be displayed, and the row
and column where the criteria will be loaded.
Subroutine Notes
BuildDBColumnRF makes use of other subroutines to construct the criteria. Since they are defined
within the BuildDBColumnRF function, their scope is completely local to the function.
Procedure BuildDBColumn(WksheetName,CriteriaString:STRING;Row,Column:INTEGER); VAR theCriteria:STRING; Procedure ActivateWS(theWkshtName:STRING); VAR SSHd:HANDLE; BEGIN SSHd:=GetObject(theWkshtName); SelectSS(SSHd); END; BEGIN ActivateWS(WksheetName); LoadCell(Row,Column,CriteriaString); END;
What it does
Loads a user specified criteria to be displayed in a worksheet database subrow. You
supply the name of the worksheet,the criteria string, and the row and column where
the criteria will be loaded.
Procedure Form2Number(WSName:STRING;StartRow,StartCol,EndRow,EndCol:INTEGER); VAR theValue:REAL; SSHd:HANDLE; i,j:INTEGER; BEGIN i:=StartCol; j:=StartRow; SSHd:=GetObject(WSName); SelectSS(SSHd); WHILE i <= EndCol DO BEGIN WHILE j<=EndRow DO BEGIN IF CellHasNum(SSHd,j,i) THEN BEGIN theValue:=GetCellNum(SSHd,j,i); LoadCell(j,i,Num2Str(3,theValue)); END; j:=j+1; END; i:=i+1; j:=StartRow; END; END;
What it does
Converts a specified range of cells in the worksheet from a formula format to the number
returned by the formula. Useful for exporting data to other applications where MiniCad's
functions(e.g.,Count,BotBound) are not supported.
Subroutine Notes
After conversion, use MiniCad's export options, or the function WKSExport, to export the
data to your favorite worksheet.
Procedure WKSExport(WkshtName,TargetFile:STRING;StartRow,StartCol,EndRow,EndCol:INTEGER;Formulas:BOOLEAN); VAR Rows,Cols,RCount,CCount:INTEGER; CellValue,CR:STRING; SSHd:HANDLE; Stop:BOOLEAN; Function BoundsChk(Rows,Cols,RStart,REnd,CStart,CEnd:INTEGER):BOOLEAN; VAR errorFound:BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (RStart <= 0) OR (RStart > Rows) OR (REnd > Rows) OR (RStart > REnd) OR (CStart <= 0) OR (CStart > Cols) OR (CEnd > Cols) OR (CStart > CEnd) THEN BEGIN errorFound:=True; END ELSE BEGIN errorFound:=False; END; BoundsChk:=errorFound; END; BEGIN RCount:=StartRow; CCount:=StartCol; CR:=Chr(13); SSHd:=GetObject(WkshtName); SprdSize(SSHd,Rows,Cols); Stop:=BoundsCheck(Rows,Cols,StartRow,EndRow,StartCol,EndCol); IF NOT Stop THEN BEGIN Rewrite(TargetFile); WHILE RCount <= EndRow DO BEGIN WHILE CCount <= EndCol DO BEGIN IF Formulas THEN BEGIN CellValue:=GetCellStr(SSHd,RCount,CCount); END ELSE BEGIN CellValue:=Num2Str(3,GetCellNum(SSHd,RCount,CCount)); END; Write(CellValue); IF CCount < EndCol THEN BEGIN Tab(1); END ELSE BEGIN Write(CR); END; CCount:=CCount+1; END; RCount:=RCount+1; CCount:=StartCol; END; Close(TargetFile); END; END; Run(WKSExport);
What it does
Exports a selected range of cells to a tab delimited text file, which can be imported
into spreadsheet or other programs. You specify the worksheet name, name of output file, range
to export, and whether to export formulas or values.
Subroutine Notes
The subroutine BoundsChk ensures you are using a valid worksheet range.
Procedure VFind(WSName,MatchValue:STRING; LookupCol,RangeStart,RangeEnd:INTEGER;VAR hitLocation:INTEGER); VAR totalRows,totalCols:INTEGER; SSHd:HANDLE; CellVal:STRING; Found,Stop:BOOLEAN; Function BoundsChk(Rows,Cols,RStart,REnd,LCol:INTEGER):BOOLEAN; VAR errorFound:BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (RStart <= 0) OR (RStart > Rows) OR (REnd > Rows) OR (RStart >= REnd) OR (LCol <= 0) OR (LCol>Cols) THEN BEGIN errorFound:=True; END ELSE BEGIN errorFound:=False; END; BoundsChk:=errorFound; END; BEGIN SSHd:=GetObject(WSName); SprdSize(SSHd,totalRows,totalCols); Stop:=BoundsChk(totalRows,totalCols,RangeStart,RangeEnd,LookupCol); IF NOT Stop THEN BEGIN REPEAT CellVal:=GetCellStr(SSHd,RangeStart,LookupCol); IF CellVal = MatchValue THEN BEGIN hitLocation:=RangeStart; Found:=True; END ELSE BEGIN RangeStart:=RangeStart+1; IF RangeStart > RangeEnd THEN BEGIN Found:=True; AlrtDialog('Error: Value not found'); END; END; UNTIL Found OR (RangeStart > RangeEnd); END ELSE BEGIN AlrtDialog('Error : Bad range value'); END; Found:=False; END;
What it does
A vertical lookup search engine for use with the worksheet. VFind looks for a matching
string, and returns the row location of the match. VFind can be used with ReturnHOffset to
find and return data associated with the match value. You supply the worksheet name and match
value; you can also preset or dynamically supply range values and offset for search and retrieval
of data.
Subroutine Notes
1) The row location returned is an INTEGER.
2) VFind also performs bounds checking.
Procedure HOffsetReturn(WSName:STRING;baseRow,targetCol:INTEGER;retFormula:BOOLEAN;VAR targetValue:STRING); VAR SSHd:HANDLE; hasFormula:BOOLEAN; BEGIN SSHd:=GetObject(WSName); hasFormula:=CellHasNum(SSHd,baseRow,targetCol); IF hasFormula AND NOT retFormula THEN BEGIN targetValue:=Num2Str(2,GetCellNum(SSHd,baseRow,targetCol)); END ELSE BEGIN targetValue:=GetCellStr(SSHd,baseRow,targetCol); END; END;
What it does
Returns the value in the specified cell. HOffsetReturn is intended for use with VFind to
retrieve data associated with the match value supplied to VFind. The procedure also allows
you to specify whether a numeric value generated by a formula is returned, or to return
the formula itself.
Procedure VSeek(WSName,MatchString:STRING; LookupCol,RangeStart,RangeEnd,TargetCol:INTEGER;VAR targetValue:STRING); VAR totalRows,totalCols:INTEGER; SSHd:HANDLE; CellVal:STRING; Found,Stop:BOOLEAN; Function BoundsChk(Rows,Cols,RStart,REnd,LCol,TCol:INTEGER):BOOLEAN; VAR errorFound:BOOLEAN; BEGIN IF (RStart <= 0) OR (RStart > Rows) OR (REnd > Rows) OR (RStart >= REnd) OR (LCol <= 0) OR (TCol <= 0) OR (LCol>Cols) OR (TCol>Cols) THEN BEGIN errorFound:=True; END ELSE BEGIN errorFound:=False; END; BoundsChk:=errorFound; END; BEGIN SSHd:=GetObject(WSName); SprdSize(SSHd,totalRows,totalCols); Stop:=BoundsChk(totalRows,totalCols,RangeStart,RangeEnd,LookupCol,TargetCol); IF NOT Stop THEN BEGIN REPEAT CellVal:=GetCellStr(SSHd,RangeStart,LookupCol); IF Pos(MatchStr,CellVal) <> 0 THEN BEGIN targetValue:=GetCellStr(SSHd,RangeStart,TargetCol); Found:=True; END ELSE BEGIN RangeStart:=RangeStart+1; IF RangeStart > RangeEnd THEN BEGIN Found:=True; AlrtDialog('Error: Value not found'); END; END; UNTIL Found OR (RangeStart > RangeEnd); END ELSE BEGIN AlrtDialog('Error : Bad range value'); END; END;
What it does
Another vertical lookup search engine for use with the worksheet. This version also looks
for a matching substring, rather than an exact match. You supply worksheet name and match value
to be searched for, as well as the location(target column) of the information to be returned.
Subroutine Notes
1) Target data is returned as a STRING value.
2) Procedure also performs bounds checking.