How to Create a Quiz

When you first start up JBC, you will see a screen with a large number of edit boxes for entering text:

This is where you input the questions, answers and responses for your quiz. Here is the top of the screen:

This screenshot shows a quiz already loaded into the program -- in fact, it's the quiz you were just looking at in the introduction. At the top is the title of the quiz; this is the information which will be displayed in the title bar of a browser when the quiz is loaded into it. Next, you can see the number of the question currently displayed, and the question itself. To move through a quiz, you can click on the up/down arrows next to the question number, or you can use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard.

Next, you will see edit boxes for entering answers and responses:

Answers are the multiple-choice items the user can choose; responses are the feedback which the user will see as a result of choosing a particular answer. For example, if the user here chooses answer a), "three", the response shown in the top right frame will be "Sorry! You can have more than three." Each answer or distractor can have its own response, so that quizzes can be used as teaching tools rather than simply for testing.

To designate an answer as correct, just click in the little box to the left of that answer, and a check mark will appear. If you wish, you can designate more than one answer as correct.

At the bottom of the screen, you will see something like this:

The buttons across the bottom of the screen allow access to the most common actions you will need. In the bottom right of the status bar, you will see the words "Config: tutorial.jcf"; this tells you which configuration file is currently loaded. You will learn more about this later in the tutorial (Configuring the output). The bottom left of the toolbar shows helpful hints about the functions of buttons and other features as you place your mouse over them.

When you have finished entering all the questions and answers for your quiz, you should use the Save button to save your work. This will save the quiz in JBC's native file format (*.jbc) so that you can reload the quiz and work on it again.

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