How to Include a Reading or a Source Text

You may wish to include a reading text with your quiz, or some other kind of source text such as an explanation of a grammar point on which your questions are based. This is very easy to do in JBC. There are two ways to include a text; you can import an external HTML file (this is covered in How to turn your quiz into Web pages), or you can type or paste your text directly into the program. To type your text in, choose Add Reading Text from the File menu. You will see the following screen:

The title in the title box will become the title of the reading text. Once you have typed in your text, you can click the Include text button to make it part of your quiz. The text will be saved along with your quiz, and turned into a Web page when you export your quiz to HTML format.

Note that you can change the font characteristics of the edit boxes if you wish. This affects only the display of the reading text inside JBC; it will have no effect on the Web pages you create.

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