Configuring the Output

When a quiz is created, many short pieces of text are needed to create the captions for buttons, instructions for the user, Welcome and Help files, and so on. By default, these pieces of text are in English. However, you may be creating a quiz in Spanish or French, and it would be more consistent to have the instructions and captions in that language. The Configuration screen allows you to create your own sets of text strings and save them. You may create many different configuration files for different types of quiz, levels of learner, or target languages. Some sample configuration files for other languages are included with this program. If you click on this button from the main JBC screen (or choose Configure Output from the Options menu), you will see the following screen:

On the left of the dialog box, there is a representation of the way the quiz appears in a browser:

Your reading text, if you have one, will be on the left; Welcome/Help files and feedback to the user will be displayed in the top right frame; and the quiz questions appear in the larger frame on the right. You can click on each area to access the text strings which will appear in that area, or you can click on the appropriate tab on the right side of the window:

You can enter your own text in any language supported by the 256-character ASCII set, and create your own configuration files. When you create your Web pages, the configuration currently loaded will be used to create the relevant parts of the Web pages.

At the bottom of the screen, you can see these buttons:

When you have changed a configuration or created a new one, you can save it as a configuration file (*.jcf). You can load a configuration file using the Load button.

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