Menu Measurements

This menu shows only two commands if no images are opened:

Shortcut keys

Results window


Shows / Hides the Results window.

Adjust Conversion factor


Opens the Adjust Conversion Factor window.

If at least one image is opened, the additional commands will be appended to the menu.

Shortcut keys/

View/Hide Measurements


By default the measurements are drawn on the image along with its labels, but both them will be hidden if this option is unselected.

View/Hide Measurements window


The Measurements window is the place where all measurements are automatically recorded.

View/Hide Centroid


Each measurement Centroid is displayed as a cross, but if this options is unselected, it will be not shown.

Labels Display


The Measurement Labels can display the measurement value, the measurement name, both them or nothing.
When displaying the value, it will be shown using the decimal positions specified in the Measurement window Decimal positions text box.

The counter tool either will display the counter number or nothing, if Hide is selected.




Measurement & Name




Move Label (Ctrl-L)

Opens the Label Move window to move  the selected measurement label up, down, right or left.

Merge measurements (flatten image)


Merges all the measurements with the image.

After measurements become part of the image they cannot be separated or modified in any way.

If the image was not saved you can use Revert to saved to get back the measurements (as editable objects, separated from the image background), but if the image was saved after merging the measurements, there is no way to get back the measurements.

Clear All Measurements


After asking your confirmation it will clear all the image measurements.

Clear Selected Measurement


After asking your confirmation it will clear the selected measurement.

Clear counting gaps


Use this command to clear the gaps that appear between measurements numbers after deleting measurements.

Each new measurement is numbered sequentially starting from 1 and each different kind of measurements has its own counter.

Warning: If the image has several series of counter measurements, all having similar numbers, they will be converted to a single series, with sequential numbering without duplicated numbers.

Note: Only the counter tools allows resetting manually its counter, by right clicking on the counter  icon,

Cancel Measurement


Cancels the measurement that is being edited or done.