Remote Drives

This feature enables you to run the DiskExplorer on one computer ("remote") while accessing the drives of another computer ("host"). 

The "remote" computer runs DiskExplorer, the "host" computer runs HDHost. HDHost is a program available for download at

On the host side call the program HDHOST.EXE and configure the desired connection. When done click Wait for connection.

On the DiskExplorer side select File->Drive and click Remote on the bottom. A new window will pop up requesting you to select and configure the kind of connection. When done click Connect and another window will pop up displaying the available physical drives on the host computer. Select one and you are back in the drive selection screen. Click Ok and the remote drive is loaded. 

You can establish a two different kinds of connections:

Serial communication is quite slow, therefore you will probably prefer TCP/IP. However, serial communication is easier to setup and every computer is equipped with a serial port.

Serial Communication

Serial communication requires a Null-Modem Cable connecting both computers through the COM port. On both sides select the port number this cable is connected to. Both sides must use the same Baud rate.

TCP/IP Communication

TCP/IP communication in a LAN requires a network interface card (NIC). 

As the Connection choose the IP that is associated with your NIC. If this computer does not get an IP address assigned by a DHCP server you might need to assign a static IP address in the Windows network configuration. A typical address is for this machine and for the host.

As the IP of host choose the IP of the host's connection. You might need to specify a static IP address (e.g. in the Windows network configuration of the host computer.


See also: Drives

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