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Importing data from a file (CSV)

FotoAlbum provides a generic mechanism for importing data or pictures using a Comma Separated Data File (CSV). These files can easily be produced from many other applications including Microsoft Excel. The format of this file must follow specific rules in order to ensure a successful import.

Using the "I want to import pictures and data from a file" option allows you to either:

Whether or not a picture is imported into your picture folder is determined by the location of the file. If the entry in the data file refers to a picture outside your picture folder, it will automatically be imported. If the entry refers to a picture inside your picture folder, the file will NOT be copied. Under either scenario, the captions, keywords, picture date, published flag and assigned albums will be updated to reflect the values in the data file.

In order for FotoAlbum to properly import data from a CSV file, it must follow these rules:

  1. The first row of the file must contain column definitions and these must match the values listed below.
  2. Either the "Filename" or "Picture ID" column must be supplied in the data file. Whatever one of these is supplied is used to determine what picture to import or update.
  3. All rows must be in the standard CSV format (commas between values and double-quotes around each value).
  4. There should not be any blank rows of data in the file (nor any spacing between the column header row and the first row of data).

The following are the valid columns that can be supplied in the data file:

"Picture ID" This is used when you wish to update an existing picture in your picture folder based upon its internal ID (created by FotoAlbum). Generally you would only have these values by previously doing an export using the FotoAlbum Export Wizard.

"Filename" This is used to identify the file you wish to import and/or update. This must specify a complete path to the file. Just specifying a filename without a path is not acceptable. If the file is within your picture folder, then the file will not be copied or updated. If the path of the file is outside your picture folder, then the image will be copied (not moved) into your picture folder.

"Caption" This specifies the caption to change the image to. If this is blank, it will NOT clear out an existing caption. However, if a caption is specified, it will replace an existing one.

"Picture Date" This specifies the picture date (and optional time) to assign to the image. If this is blank, it will not clear the picture date. If a picture date is supplied, it will replace an existing one. You can not specify a time without specifying a date as well. The format must follow the system (Windows) defined short date/time format.

"Keywords" This is a list of keywords that you wish to assign to the image. If this is blank, then it will not clear out the keywords. If this value is supplied, it will replace all existing keywords with the supplied values. These values must be separated by spaces within the quotes. An example entry would be "keyword1 keyword2 Vacation Person1".

"Published" This controls whether the image is published on the FotoTime website. If the value is "Not", then the picture is not published. If the value is "Public" then the picture is marked for public sharing. If the value "Private" is used, then the picture is flagged for private sharing. Note: The image must be associated with at least one album to be shared (otherwise this field is ignored).

"Albums" This lists the albums this entry belongs. If this field is left blank, it will not clear out any existing albums. This list merely adds the entry to albums (it will not clear out any previously assigned albums). In addition, FotoAlbum will auto-create any albums referenced in this field that do not already exist. The albums must be comma separated and the entire list must be within double quotes. An example of a single album entry is: "My vacations, Wedding Pictures, Work Stuff".

Once you specify the data file to import from, you will be displayed the albums and pictures that will be imported. This allows you to confirm the import before starting the import.

See Also

Importing albums and data into FotoAlbum

Importing pictures and albums from your PC (local import)

Importing pictures and albums from FotoTime (web accounts)