Importing albums and data into FotoAlbum
The Import Wizard provides a mechanism to import albums and/or data into FotoAlbum from other sources. The available sources and types of importing that are available include:
- Importing albums from a directory stucture (creating albums based upon an existing folder structure)
- Importing pictures from another folder or drive (including network shares and removable media).
- Importing albums and pictures from FotoTime accounts. This allows an easy way to share albums to family/friends while retaining albums, captions, keywords, etc.
- Importing pictures specified in a comma separated file (CSV).
- The Import wizard also allows you to update captions, keywords, picture dates, etc. from other applications using the comma separated file import.
These types of importing are grouped into the three types of importing that are listed on the FotoTime Import Wizard. To learn more about how to use these import options, click on one of the following:
I want to Import Pictures and Data from my computer
I want to Import albums and pictures from FotoTime
I want to import pictures and data from a file