The Import Wizard allows you to import pictures and create albums from other folders on your system. Importing pictures and data from your computer (Local import) provides the following capabilities:
If you choose the "I want to import pictures and data from my computer" on the first page of the Import Wizard, you must then specify the root folder of where you want to copy. This should be the highest folder of the pictures you want to import. However, because the import process is "recursive", be careful about not selecting a folder that has more than you wish to import.
Once you specify the import folder, FotoAlbum will determine the type of folder you are importing. If it is another picture folder that contains index data, you will see the albums and groups you have defined in that location. However, if it is just a "simple" folder that is not a FotoAlbum picture folder, you will have different options.
(Simple Folder Import Options)
Import albums/groups from folder structure: If checked, FotoAlbum will create albums and groups to match the directory structure from the folder you specify. The first level of folders within the root-folder you specify will be created as albums. The folders within that level will be groups.
Use picture file date for FotoAlbum picture date: If this option is checked, then FotoAlbum will automatically assign the picture date to the filedate.
Use picture file name for FotoAlbum picture caption: If the files you are importing have descriptive filenames, you can assign the caption to the filename if this option is checked.
Once you have specified the folder (and folder import options if necessary), you will see the albums that will be created and the pictures that will be imported or updated. On this screen, you will have the ability to choose which albums to import.
Show All: This option allows you to view all albums and pictures regardless of whether they should be imported. The Import Wizard determines which albums and pictures already exist in your picture folders. Any existing pictures are not displayed by default. If you check the "Show All" option, then it will show you all albums and pictures even if they are not going to be imported. Whether this option is checked or unchecked will not change the results of the import (it allows you to view the other files that are not going to be imported).