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Sorting By Picture Date

Sorting of pictures by date is the default for the All View and Album Views. Each picture has an associated date with it. This date is automatically retrieved from pictures that have the date embedded (most digital cameras embed the date). However you are able to manually set/override the date for any picture.

To learn more about the date formats FotoAlbum supports and how you set picture dates, refer to Picture Dates.

When sorting by date, the most recent pictures are displayed at the bottom (end of the list). However, all pictures that are not dated will display before all dated pictures (sorted by file date).

For example, assume you have five pictures (three with dates). They would be sorted like:

Non-dated pictures are displayed first so they do not become confused with pictures that have been dated. It is generally a good idea to date your pictures (assuming your camera does not embed the date). There are mechanisms to quickly assign a "partial date" to many pictures at once. For example, you can quickly select a range of pictures and assign the year 1999 to those pictures (in case you aren't sure of the exact month they were taken). Or you could select another range of pictures and assign January, 2000 to those pictures. By dating pictures you can then take advantage of the quick date filter capabilities of FotoAlbum.

See Also

Sorting Pictures In An Album

Sorting By Filename

Sorting by Filepath

Sorting by Filesize

Sorting by type

Sorting By Sequence (Manual Sorting)